





空调移机是一件非常考验耐心的活,要小心仔细而且还要注意很多事项,整个移动过程的效果直接影响到后期使用的。如果移动的过程不合格的话,在日后会留下很多各方面对 隐患。那么大家知道在空调移机过程中有哪些步骤或者是需要注意哪些事项呢?下面就让小安来一一的告诉你吧。
Air conditioning is a test of patience, careful work, but also pay attention to many issues, the whole moving process directly affect the effect of the late use of. If the mobile process is not qualified, in the day after a lot of various aspects of the hidden dangers left. So we know that in the air conditioning process which steps or need to pay attention to what matters? Let me tell you how to.
Air conditioning process first step: disassemble
1, before the cooling liquid will disassemble inside the air conditioner outdoor unit revenue.
Take the liquid step:
First, put the air conditioner in the cooling state, and start the operation.
Second, open the brass hexagon valve cover of the high-pressure valve on the outdoor machine, and close the high pressure valve with the inner six angle wrench. (there are two three way valves on the side of the outdoor machine, one is the low pressure valve with a large caliber, and the other one is the high pressure valve with a small caliber.
At this time, the air conditioner is still in operation, because the high-pressure valve has been closed, so the refrigerant can not flow through the high-pressure valve to the indoor unit for heat exchange, and is compressed into the outdoor unit.
4. For about 3-5 minutes, the room should not blow out of the air conditioner, indicating that the refrigerant has been all received in the outdoor unit.
At this time, the low pressure three - way valve on the outdoor machine is closed again. The refrigerant is closed in the outdoor unit at this time.
2, the air conditioner is closed, then you can disassemble the connecting pipeline operation, remove indoor machine, remove the cable between the indoor and outdoor machine.
3, the dismantling of the Unicom copper pipe should pay attention to cleaning, plastic bags will be used to seal the port of the pipe and the interface of the three valve.
Second step process: air conditioning installed
1, the outdoor machine positioning, the frame installation should pay attention to the level.
2, the indoor machine positioning, the indoor machine should pay attention to the direction of the water slightly a little tilt, if the direction of the opposite direction, condensing will leak from the indoor machine to the room.
3. Connect the pipes and cables between the interior machines.
4. Attention should be paid to the low pressure pipes and three valves connected to the outdoor machine. The cap of the pipe joint should not be tightened first and a little loosening. After connecting all the pipes, the high-pressure valve should be opened a little. When the refrigerating liquid comes out from the cap screw of the low pressure pipe, the cap of the low pressure pipe should be tightened. (this is done to pull the air out of the connecting pipe and the indoor machine because the closed system is disassembled.)
5. After checking all the joints are connected reliably, all the high and low pressure valves can be opened up, and the refrigeration liquid is entered into the refrigeration cycle system.
6, boot, line current clamp meter the total power available at this time to check the air conditioner line. Determine the normal operation of the air conditioner according to the rated current calibrated on the air conditioning nameplate. General 22OV, one and a half air conditioner working current is 6A, more than 6A indicates that there are too many refrigerants, less than 6A, which indicates that the refrigerating liquid is too little.
The third step: air conditioning process with liquid
1. If the air conditioner is needed to be added, it can be carried out on the low pressure three - way valve of the outdoor machine.
2, confirm the types of refrigerants used in air conditioners, prepare the cylinders that contain refrigerants, add liquid pipes, add liquid pipes and low pressure three-way valves and connect the appropriate boards and other tools.
3, close the air conditioner.
4, turn off the three - pass valve of the outdoor machine low pressure.
5, open the cap on the other side of the valve.
6, the valve outlet connection tube and a liquid refrigerant on the cylinder head, the other end to the liquid through the valve on the three joints, tighten screw connector.
7, open the low pressure air conditioning unit in a three-way valve, cooling condition, and starts to run, the table clamp forceps in power line.
8. After running, the angle valve on the refrigerant cylinder is opened slowly. At this time, the refrigeration liquid can be seen in the suction system of the compressor. (because the pipe is usually plastic pipe, you can see the flow of the refrigerant.)
9, observe the clamp meter readings, when reading to achieve the required value, close the cylinder valve on, then after a while the normal current, can be shut down, such as not enough, can also open the cylinder valve is added, until the current is normal.
10. Turn off the air conditioner and close the low pressure three - way valve.
11, remove the liquid pipe, screw the three valve on the cap and add liquid cap, pay attention to the cap on the copper pad is good, if not good, need to replace the sealed copper pad.
Air conditioning steps
1, preparation: moving personnel with complete set of tools to disassemble and safety equipment.
2, recycle refrigerant: first start the refrigeration, after the operation of the outside, the fluorine close the small valve, the frosting of the valve shut down after the closure of the large valve, immediately shut down. Pull off the power supply, tighten the insurance cap, the air conditioning refrigerant in the machine shift to outdoor machine to collect.
3, dismantling the indoor machine: when the indoor machine is dismantled, the flow of condensing water should be prevented from entering the circuit board.
4, dismantling outdoor machine: When dismantling the outdoor machine, it should be unloaded at the same time to avoid vibration and shake. Finally, it is packed with plastic for handling.
5, installation: when the air conditioner is reinstalled, we should pay attention to the installation and convection. Finally, leak with detergent, observe every joints without bubbles, verify the system without leakage, the valve cap can be tightened insurance.
Note the air conditioning
1, the test of air conditioner in moving before the function is normal or not.
2. Recycle refrigerant and remove the connecting line between indoor and outdoor. It is best to mark both ends of the connection line, not only if the connection line is wrong in the installation of the machine.
3. During the handling and installation of the external machine, it can not be reversed, the angle of the tilt is too large, and the cut-off valve is not held by hand.
4, terminal or other connection


  1. 公司名称:盛达嘉业维修部
  2. 手机:13869553204
  3. 联系人:高经理
  4. 地址:工业开发区

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