一、确定安装位置。要充分考虑布局和对流避免安装在易产生噪声振动的地方,使气流组织合理、通畅下面这些地方最好要避开:易燃气体发生泄漏的地方或有强烈腐蚀气体的环境;人工电场、磁场直接作用的地方;易产生噪声、振动的地方(比如:空调安在突出的阳台上会产生强烈共振,噪声大。一般安在卧室的窗户下面,隔着窗、墙,会大大减少噪声。 而且安在窗户下面伸手可及,以后清洗、维修、套空调罩什么的,都方便);自然条件恶劣的地方(如油烟、风沙极易损坏空调,直射的阳光或高温热源会使空调制冷不及时,冷气不冷);儿童易触及的地方。再者,最好别在风雪雨天进行安装。
Firstly, determine the installation location. Full consideration should be given to the layout and convection to avoid installing in places prone to noise and vibration, so as to make the air distribution reasonable and smooth, the best places to avoid are: where flammable gases leak or environment with strong corrosive gases; where artificial electric field and magnetic field directly act; where noise and vibration are prone to occur (compared with other places). Such as: air conditioning installed on the prominent balcony will produce strong resonance, noise. Generally installed under the bedroom window, across the window, wall, will greatly reduce noise. It is easy to clean, repair and cover air-conditioners under windows; it is easy to damage air-conditioners in places with bad natural conditions (e.g. oil fume and sand, direct sunlight or high temperature heat source will make air-conditioners not refrigerate in time and cold air); and it is easy for children to touch. Furthermore, it is better not to install it on snowy and rainy days.