





Eight practical common sense in the use of air conditioner
I. pay attention to line safety: it shall have suitable power consumption capacity, reliable special line connection and reliable grounding wire.
二、注意细心调节室温: 制冷时室温定高1℃、制热时室温定低2℃、均可节省 10% 以上,而人体几乎觉察不到温度的差别。
2. Pay attention to carefully adjust the room temperature: the room temperature should be 1 ℃ higher when refrigeration, 2 ℃ lower when heating, which can save more than 10%, while the human body can hardly perceive the difference in temperature.
三、定期清扫滤清器:灰尘会堵塞滤清器网眼,降低冷暖气效果,应半月左右清扫一次。 尽量少开门窗、使用厚质、透光少的窗帘可以减少房内外热量交换,利于省电。
3. Clean the filter regularly: dust will block the mesh of the filter and reduce the effect of cooling and heating. Clean it once every half a month or so. Opening doors and windows as little as possible, using thick curtains with less light transmission can reduce the heat exchange inside and outside the room, which is conducive to power saving.
IV. do not block the air outlet of the outdoor unit; otherwise, it will reduce the effect of heating and cooling and waste power.
5. Choose the appropriate angle of air outlet: the air-conditioning flow is heavier than the air, easy to sink, and the heating flow is the opposite. Therefore, when cooling, the air outlet is upward, and when heating, it is downward, and the temperature regulation efficiency is greatly improved.
六、控制好开机和使用中的状态设定:开机时,设置高冷 / 高热,以最快达到控制目的;当温度适宜时,改中、低风,减少能耗,降低噪音。
Vi. control the state setting during startup and use: set high cold / high heat to achieve the control purpose as soon as possible; when the temperature is appropriate, change the medium and low wind to reduce energy consumption and noise.


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