The basis and method of accurately adding fluorine
1. Quantitative fluorination: connect the three-way valve, pressure gauge, fluorine hose, fluorine bottle or vacuum pump at the process port of the three-way stop valve. After the fluorine is released and vacuumized, fluorine is added slowly. Use a platform scale and other more accurate measuring tools to weigh. When the reduction of fluorine in the fluorine bottle is equal to the standard fluorine addition amount on the air conditioner nameplate, close the fluorine bottle valve.
2. Current measurement: set the air conditioner in the state of refrigeration or heating high-speed wind (variable frequency air conditioner is set in the trial operation state). At the process port of low-pressure stop valve, observe the change of clamp ammeter while adding fluorine. When it is close to the rated working current value calibrated by the air conditioner nameplate, close the fluorine bottle valve. At this time, let the air conditioner continue to operate for a period of time. When the room temperature under the refrigeration state is close to 27 ℃ or the room temperature under the heating state is close to 20 ℃, the air temperature of the outdoor unit, the grid voltage and other factors affecting the rated working current shall be considered, and the fluorine content shall be adjusted to reach the rated working current value, so as to accurately add fluorine. The reason for fine adjustment is that the rated working current value calibrated by the air conditioner nameplate is the test data of the air conditioner manufacturer under the following working conditions: Refrigeration state, high-speed fan when the power supply voltage is 220 V or 380 V, the indoor air temperature is 27 ℃, and the outdoor unit air temperature is 35 ℃; in the heating state, when the power supply voltage is 220 V or 380 V, the fan high-speed wind, the indoor air temperature is 20 ℃, and the outdoor unit air temperature is 20 ℃ 7℃。
The fine tuning data summarized in practice are as follows: under the refrigeration state, the outdoor unit air temperature 35 ℃ is taken as the standard, and the outdoor temperature increases or decreases by 1 ℃ every time it increases or decreases 1 ℃; in the heating state, when the outdoor unit air temperature is 7 ℃ as the standard, the outdoor unit air temperature increases or decreases by 1 ℃ every time the outdoor temperature increases or decreases by 1%; under the refrigeration or heating state, the rated working current value is increased or decreased by 1% When the power supply voltage is set as 220 V or 380 V as the standard, the rated working current value will be reduced or increased every time the power supply voltage increases or decreases by 1 V: single-phase 1: 0.025 a, 1.5: 0.025 a × 1.5; 2: 0.025 a × 2; 3: 0.025 a × 3 / 3, 5: 0.025 a × 5 / 3, 10: 0.025 a × 10 / 3.