Precautions for air conditioner relocation
1. Test whether all functions of the air conditioner work normally before moving.
2. Recover the refrigerant and remove the indoor and outdoor connecting lines. If the two ends of the connecting line can be marked, it will not be possible to connect the connecting line incorrectly during installation.
蠕动泵 保定网站建设 保定网站制作 保定网络公司 保定办公家具 保定轻钢别墅 程中,不能翻转,倾斜角太大,切忌用手抓截止阀抬机。
3. During the handling and installation of the external machine, it is not allowed to turn over. If the inclination angle is too large, it is forbidden to lift the machine by grasping the stop valve by hand.
4. Whether the wiring terminals or other places with wiring are loose to prevent ignition or other hidden dangers, and whether the wires are aging. If so, they must be replaced.