





Basis and method of accurate fluorination
1. Quantitative fluorination: connect the three-way valve, pressure gauge, fluorination hose, fluorine bottle or vacuum pump at the process port of the three-way stop valve. After defluorination and vacuum pumping, start to add fluorine slowly. Weigh with more accurate measuring tools such as platform scale. When the reduction of fluorine in the fluorine bottle is equal to the standard fluorine addition on the nameplate of the air conditioner, close the valve of the fluorine bottle.
2. Current measurement: set the air conditioner in the high-speed air state of refrigeration or heating (the variable-frequency air conditioner is set in the test run state). At the process port of the low-voltage stop valve, observe the change of the clamp ammeter while adding fluorine. When it is close to the rated working current value calibrated on the air conditioner nameplate, close the fluorine bottle valve. At this time, let the air conditioner continue to operate for a period of time. When the room temperature is close to 27 ℃ in the refrigeration state or close to 20 ℃ in the heating state, consider the factors affecting the rated working current such as the air temperature of the outdoor unit and the voltage of the power grid, and fine tune the amount of fluorine to reach the rated working current to achieve accurate fluorine addition. The reason for fine adjustment is that the rated working current value marked on the air conditioner nameplate is the data tested by the air conditioner manufacturer under the following working conditions: Refrigeration state, high-speed fan when the power supply voltage is 220V or 380V, indoor air temperature is 27 ℃, and outdoor unit air temperature is 35


  1. 公司名称:盛达嘉业维修部
  2. 手机:13869553204
  3. 联系人:高经理
  4. 地址:工业开发区

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